
Fintech takes on foreign exchange

Fintech takes on foreign exchange

Today, many companies are confronted with currency risk. The development of e-commerce has led companies of all sizes to become involved in international trade.

The current unstable international context makes this issue a real priority. Constant inflation, the energy crisis reinforced by the...

Open banking at the heart of the fintech revolution

Open banking at the heart of the fintech revolution

Open banking is a financial system that allows consumers to authorize access to their banking data in real time to various financial service providers, such as account aggregators, online banks and others.

Open banking relies on innovative technologies such as blockchain, APIs, SCA or AI, and...

Fintech: New solutions for your savings

Fintech: New solutions for your savings

The covid crisis has made it difficult to consume and has led to massive savings. According to the Banque de France, between the beginning of 2020 and the end of 2021, the crisis will have generated a savings surplus of 175 billion in France.

Most of these savings would have been built up...

Financial digitization: A mutual opportunity for fintech and traditional banks

Financial digitization: A mutual opportunity for fintech and traditional banks

According to a Boston Consulting Group (BCG) report, fintech revenues are set to increase 6 times by 2030, from $245 billion to $1.5 trillion. And by 2030, they should also account for 25% of global banking valuations.

Moreover, the fintech sector has received very important funding in recent...

The Peer-to-peer solution

The Peer-to-peer solution

Peer-to-peer lending is a form of lending that takes place directly between individuals or companies without the involvement of traditional financial institutions. It uses online platforms that connect borrowers and lenders, enabling them to engage in loan transactions.

Individuals or small...

A strong green trend in fintech

A strong green trend in fintech

Traditional banks are among the most polluting companies on the planet, particularly through their investment and financing choices.

They invest massively in new fossil projects when they could be financing the ecological transition.

The world of fintech has taken the lead on this issue by...

AI at the heart of Fintech

AI at the heart of Fintech

While many discovered AI with the emergence of ChatGPT, it has been part of the fintech world for nearly 15 years. 

This is notably how fintechs and neo-banks have been able to compete so quickly with traditional banks by being more agile and offering optimized user experiences. Now AI...

How the Emergence of Fintech impacted the Traditional Banking System

How the Emergence of Fintech impacted the Traditional Banking System

The financial industry has undergone a deep transformation with the emergence of Fintech (financial technology). These innovative companies are specialized in the application of information and communication techniques to finance. They use technology to offer more accessible, efficient, and...